Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Early Summer Update

It has been a long spring here in the Roaring Fork Valley but, despite the high water, we have been hard at work putting people on fish. While high runoff flows limit the places to fish, there are often a multitude of options available on any given day and if you're in the right place at the right time the fishing can be on fire. Our senior guide staff knows the spots and has been producing consistent results all summer long.

That being said, the rivers are finally on the drop and within the week we should start seeing a serious downward trend in flows. Floating is just right around the corner and so are the bugs. It has been a long spring, but it is going to be a fantastic summer.

Here are some high water shots from the last few weeks.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes.

There is a saying in Colorado, "If you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes." It is cliché, but it is particularly apt in the Spring. Yesterday we spent the day floating and casting at carp in our barefeet.

Today the weather was so bad that we had the toilet bowl all to ourselves.

You've got to love Springtime in the Rockies.